Complementation: The Key to Long-Term Relationship Success
Based on the science of evolution, every living entity is an adaptive environment and the same rules apply to manage and influence the adaptive environment.
It’s all about relationships!
Every living entity is guided by its unified field. The unified field is the triadic structure that shows how the living entity operates within its environment. Every living entity is in “relation” to other living entities within its environment.
To be in a “relationship” with another living entity there needs to be (1) a shared purpose, (2) a maximum strategy for growth (supplementation law), and (3) a minimum strategy for survival (the complementation law). This is the “triadic structure” that makes up the unified field.
Relationships can occur short term without much complementation as long as the supplementation is substantial, but relationships will not last long-term unless there is complementation.
Complementation is the shared values, common ground, trust, or complementary ways of operating that strengthen the bond between the two entities.
“Safety in Numbers”
Complementation takes many forms including shared beliefs (religion for example), shared ethics (cultural nuances for example), shared operating styles (emotional intelligence), shared DNA (gender, family, etc.), and shared interests (friends, career similarities, children, etc.).
As we evolve to a higher level of evolutionary intelligence (ethics, adaptability, emotional intelligence, etc.) we are better able to build complementation with those that are not familiar or similar to ourselves. This takes intentionality, wisdom, and practice but it is well worth the effort as the more we build relationships with others of different views, experiences, beliefs, and talents, the more likely we are to innovate and grow. This is the case with individuals as well as larger groups.
“Birds of a feather flock together”
Unfortunately, it takes two. When one evolutionary entity is in a relationship with another non-evolutionary entity the likelihood of success is actually lower than two evolutionary entities or even two non-evolutionary entities.
“Survival and Success of the Evolutionary”
The non-evolutionary entity will most likely contract and regress. This is often due to an ethical or emotional deficit such as narcissism or survivor ethics behavior.
Survivor ethics is the lowest form of evolutionary intelligence and is characterized by a priority for protecting the status quo (avoiding change).
Stagnant survivors are individuals (entities) who act only to support their parallel reality. They tend to avoid responsibility so they can stay in their limited comfort zone. The challenge, though, is that their comfort zone is what causes conflict for the other people (entities) around them.
The stagnant survivor’s status is built on the “false beliefs” they have or create so they can defend their actions, choices, and behaviors. The survivors create “fallacies” to justify the power they exert over others in order to make themselves comfortable.
The most powerful complementation results from two evolutionary entities in a relationship. The more evolutionary entities in the relationship, the more likely there is to be innovation and growth.
Evolutionary entities capitalize on the capacity to understand the concepts of evolution and use the knowledge to better understand, manage and influence relationships with other entities within their environment for long-term survival and greater success.